OSP & DNA, Dec. 16

Oregon State Police has partnered with the University of North Texas Center for Human Identification for over 10 years to process and upload missing person and unidentified person DNA profiles into the COmbined DNA Index System (CODIS). UNT-CHI has also provided invaluable service to all 36 Oregon counties by sponsoring and managing the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs). Unfortunately, due to a loss of federal funds, the UNT-CHI can no longer process ANY missing person or unidentified remains samples outside the state of Texas. UNT-CHI will also be limited in their management of the NamUs website as of January 1, 2021. DNA Analysis: The OSP Forensic Science and Pathology Bureau will now be sought out by Oregon law enforcement agencies to provide the services that UNT cannot. In the coming days, we will communicate our analytical capabilities and limitations regarding the submission and processing of biological samples in missing person cases and unidentified remains cases. OSP cannot provide the suite of DNA examinations and services that UNT has provided in the past; however, we are committed to assisting Oregonians and Oregon law enforcement and will strive to provide DNA analyses to the best of our abilities. If you have missing person/family reference standards to submit for DNA analysis, please retain them securely until further notice. Additional information regarding future DNA services is forthcoming. National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs): Death investigators and law enforcement agencies routinely begin with the NamUs website to determine if DNA, dental records, and fingerprints from both missing persons and unidentified remains are available for searching and comparison purposes. In addition, families of missing persons access NamUs to provide and search for important information about their loved ones for “matching” or associating cases. Negotiations appear to be ongoing regarding the maintenance and management of the NamUs website; the National Institute of Justice is acknowledging the burden that suspending this national information repository would bring. NamUs is a crucial tool to the forensic science, pathology, anthropology, missing persons, and law enforcement communities. Our hope is that it remains a state-wide and nation-wide resource and service may continue uninterrupted. Again, additional information regarding the maintenance and management of the NamUs website will be provided as we receive it. Please direct any questions regarding the analysis of unidentified remains and/or the OSP Human Identification Program to Dr. Nici Vance, State Forensic Anthropologist: nvance@osp.oregon.gov Please direct any questions regarding DNA analysis for Family Reference Standards of missing persons to Stephenie Winter Sermeno, OSP DNA Unit Supervisor: swinter@osp.oregon.gov