OPRD Seeks Comments on Proposed Vietnam Memorial, Dec. 24

SALEM, Oregon – The Oregon Parks and Recreation Department is seeking public feedback on a proposal from a nonprofit, the Vietnam War Memorial Fund, to construct a memorial in the southwest corner of the State Capitol State Park in Salem. The site is just south of the World War II memorial and west of the Capitol building in an area called Willson Park. The deadline for public feedback is January 22, 2021. The project proposes to install sculptures, plaques, benches, and walkways to memorialize different aspects of the war and military service. It would be just south of the World War II memorial, the Parade of Animals play structure, and a gazebo. Nearly all the trees in this area would be incorporated into the proposed design. Three trees would be removed (details online). One part of the memorial honors Gold Star Families using a standard design, and the nonprofit has identified three possible locations in the park for its installation. One option would require moving the Parade of Animals to a different part of Willson Park. A Gold Star Family is one that has lost an immediate family member in the line of duty of military service. A draft plan of the memorial is online as is a video walkthrough. OPRD is collecting feedback through January 22, 2021. You can comment by email or attend a virtual open house at 6 p.m. on January 20, 2021 (free registration required). After collecting public feedback, a committee will submit a report to OPRD Director Lisa Sumption with recommendations. After the Director’s review, the Oregon State Parks and Recreation Commission could act on the proposal at its February 25, 2021 meeting.