SAR Finds Overdue Christmas Tree Hunters, Dec. 24

Lane Co. Sheriff’s release – Missing four year old Zelda and her grandparents Sharon and Gregory were located today after getting their vehicle stuck in the Quartz Creek area of the Willamette National Forest on Monday while they were out looking for a Christmas tree. They were reported missing on Tuesday, December 22, 2020 when Zelda’s mom went to pick Zelda up at Sharon and Gregory’s house and there was no indication they had returned from the Willamette National Forest. Lane County Search and Rescue teams along with deputies searched the area into the evening and throughout the morning. Shortly before noon today the family’s vehicle was spotted by a U.S. Coast Guard helicopter team assisting with the search. They were able to direct ground teams to the vehicle and found Zelda, Sharon, and Gregory safe and unharmed. After getting the family into a warm place with some food and water, we learned that their car got stuck in an area with downed trees and snow. Thankfully they had a blanket, some water, a tarp, and snacks in the car, and were all wearing warm clothing. A huge thank you to all of the Search and Rescue volunteers who assisted with the search, to the U.S. Coast Guard for their assistance, and to the community who kept their eyes out for the family and called in tips!