NBPD log, Jan. 8

According to an entry on the NBPD log for Jan. 7, 10:12 a.m., California Street Boat Ramp, “complaint that male subject is kicking bumpers at Boat Dock, officers contacted the male served St. Helens PD valid warrant” on 24-year old Michael Lee Anthony McBride, McKinleyville, CA, “cited in lieu of custody to St. Helens Municipal Court.”

According to an entry on the NBPD log for Jan. 7, 9:22 p.m., 3201 Tremont Ave., Mill Casino, “UEMV at location, officer responded & report taken.”

Individuals in North Bend
Various entries on the NBPD log for Jan. 7 involving individuals. At 10:12 a.m., “Male subject is kicking bumpers at boat dock.” At 10:27 a.m., “NBHS reported female appearing to have mental episode entering and exiting buildings on campus.” 10:43 a.m., 3303 Broadway, “vehicle in drive through at McDonalds yelling and flipping RP off.” At 11:19 a.m., 1735 Virginia Ave., “Safeway reported a female left a puppy in the store.” At 2:07 p.m., 1800 block Virginia Ave., “male transient dancing in traffic lane.” At 2:57 p.m., 400 block Virginia Ave., “female hanging out around building and digging in dumpster.” At 7:03 p.m., 1000 block Ohio Ave., “someone banding on windows at house, RP was informed by daughter its how drug people mess with each other & house will be robbed tonight.” At 7:23 p.m., 1900 block McPherson, “illegal camping at location.” At 7:27 p.m., 1100 block Ferry Road, “yelling hear from unknown location under the bridge.” At 9:33 p.m., 2500 block Everett Ave., “report of suspicious subject in alley behind house burying something.” At 10:10 p.m., 2200 block Lombard St., “assist MRT, officers transported subject to BAH on a hold.”