COVID-19 Vaccinations, Coos Co., Feb. 8

CHW release – A county wide coordinated vaccination effort by Bay Area Hospital, Coast Community Health Center, Coquille Valley Hospital, Southern Coos Hospital and Coos Health & Wellness is happy to report that vaccination efforts have been highly successful in addressing the parts of our population that are currently eligible. Currently those who are designate as Phase 1a health care workers and Phase 1b educational staff are eligible for vaccination. We want to address a very difficult and frustrating situation. Next week, Oregonians age 80 will become eligible to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Older adults age 65 and above will become eligible to get a vaccine over the following 3 weeks. Every senior will be able get a vaccine, but most seniors will not be able to get immunized for many weeks. We are committed to getting these out as quickly as possible but we will not be creating appointments until we have vaccines in hand to provide them. There are more than 750,000 people aged 65 or older in Oregon. While Oregon has already vaccinated more than 100,000 people aged 60 and older, state health officials estimate it take until mid-April to vaccinate more than 7 in 10 Oregon seniors. Coos County has worked diligently on getting vaccines out to those who have been eligible so that we can begin vaccinating seniors as quickly as possible. We want to thank everyone who has provided their hard work, dedication, and skills to accomplish these plans so effectively. In Coos County, more than 4087 total people have received the vaccine so far with 1,116 of those having received the second dose. You can partner with us to help save lives. We hope you will assist seniors, family members and caregivers to sign up for the individual registration on our website. Please be patient and stay safe as we work together to vaccinate every older member of our community. While we are excited to get vaccines administered in Coos County we will need to continue to take the precautions that we have been taking to prevent Covid-19 spread in our community. Continue to wear mask, stay physically distant from those outside your household and wash your hands frequently. To find more information about Covid-19 vaccine plans or other information about Covid-19 vaccine please visit