DUII. Beaver Hill Rd., Feb. 9

CCSO release – On February 7th, 2021 at approximately 2:55 PM an employee with the County Roads department observed a white Ford truck driving erratically on Beaver Hill Rd. near North Bank Ln. This employee relayed this information to the Coos County Sheriff’s Office, who sent a Deputy to look for the vehicle. The Deputy was able to locate the truck as it was driving into Coquille. A traffic stop was performed for observed traffic violations, and 6 1year old Robert L. Harte of Myrtle Point was discovered to be driving. The Deputy, assisted by the Coquille Police Department, observed factors that led him to believe Mr. Harte was likely impaired. Mr. Harte was asked to perform Standardized Field Sobriety Tests, and at the Conclusion of those tests he was placed under arrest for DUII. Mr. Harte was transported to the Coos County Jail where he submitted to a breathalyzer test. Mr. Harte’s BAC was concluded to be %0.30. Mr. Harte will be referred to the District Attorney’s Office for charges.