Oregon State Parks and Recreation Commission holding special online meeting, March 18

OPRD release – SALEM, Oregon – The Oregon State Parks and Recreation Commission will hold a special meeting at 8 a.m. on Thursday, March 18, 2021. Oregon Parks and Recreation Department staff are requesting commission approval for a single contract to purchase $605,000 worth of equipment for The Cove Palisades State Park near Culver in Central Oregon. The video conference meeting is public and will be viewable online at http://bit.ly/osprcvideo. The equipment—wave attenuators and related hardware—will be installed on Lake Billy Chinook near the state park marina to protect the area from wave action currently damaging docks and boats. Pacific Netting Products based in Kingston, Washington submitted the bid. If approved, the contract will be funded by Lottery dollars dedicated to the state park system by Oregon voters. The next regularly scheduled commission business meeting is April 15, too late in the season to acquire and install the equipment. There are no other items on the draft agenda, which is online at https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/CAC/Pages/CAC-oprc.aspx.