An EIS Proposal for Western Oregon State Forests Habitat Conservation Plan, April 20

NOAA Fisheries release – On March 8, 2021, NOAA Fisheries initiated the public scoping comment period and issued a Notice of Intent (NoI) to prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS) for Western Oregon State Forests Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) in the Federal Register (86 FR 13337). Scoping as an early and open process for identifying the significant issues related to a proposed action and determining the range of issues to be addressed. The comment period was originally scheduled to close on April 7, 2021. In response to requests for an extension, the comment period has been extended until April 21, 2021. While the EIS is still in early phases of development, preliminary assessments indicate the HCP may affect: anadromous fish populations along the Oregon Coast and in the Columbia and Willamette Rivers, as well as birds, amphibians, and mammals. Public comments at this early stage will help inform alternatives, which may include, but are not limited to: variation in the length of the permit term; adding or removing some of the covered species; the level of take allowed; the level, location, or type of minimization, mitigation, or monitoring provided under the HCP; the scope of covered activities; the location, amount or type of conservation, or similar aspects of the permit conditions. How to Comment: Comments may be submitted at and enter NOAA– NMFS–2021–0019. Click the ‘‘Comment Now!’’ icon, complete the required fields, and enter or attach your comments. The comment period closes on April 21, 2021. Information about scoping and the Notice of Intent can be found at: A recording of the scoping meeting and copy of the presentation will also be available on the website. Please check the website for updates.