OHA updates population data, May 11

Monday, the Oregon Health Authority updated its COVID-19 case rates (cases per 100,000 residents) using 2020 population data from Portland State University’s (PSU) Population Research Center and 2019 housing and demographic data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS). OHA also updated its vaccination rates (people vaccinated per 100 residents) with 2020 population data from PSU and the 2019 Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) from the ACS. These changes affected the weekly data report, all COVID-19 Tableau Dashboards and the county risk metrics. OHA had previously been using 2019 population data from PSU and 2018 data from the ACS to calculate COVID-19 case rates and 2019 population data from PSU and 2019 PUMS data from the ACS to calculate vaccination rates. In the past year, specific populations have changed, and this update will ensure that OHA is displaying and sharing the most up-to-date and accurate information available for case and vaccination rates in specific populations. Case rates and vaccination rates may shift slightly because of this change. The following case rates will be affected: Sex, Age Group, Race, Ethnicity, County. The following vaccination rates will be affected: Sex, Age Group, Race & Ethnicity, County.