North Bend City Council, May 25

The North Bend City Council will meet for a regular session on Tuesday, May 25, 7 pm., Council Chambers, City Hall. Remote Meeting – Agenda: 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance; 2. Approval of the Agenda (Mayor, Page 1); 3. Consent Calendar* (City Administrator, Page 2) a. Minutes from the May 11, 2021 Meeting (Page 3); b. Approval of 2021 -2022 Contract for Library Services (Page 6); c. Extension of Intergovernmental Agreement for Safe Routes to School (Page 11); d. Authorization to do a partial overhaul on 1978 120G Road Grader (Page 14); 4. Public Comments; 5. Ordinance 2050: Establish a Fund for Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (Page 15); 6. Acceptance and Award of Bid for Safe Routes to School – Broadway Ave and 14th St. Project (Page 17); 7. Approve Memorandum of Understanding with Friends of the Library (Page 19); 8. Oregon Parks & Recreation Department Recreation Trails Grant Application (Page 22); 9. Replacement of Exterior Doors at City Hall – McPherson Side (Page 23); 10. City Administrator’s Report; 11. Committee Reports; 12. Council Comments; 13. Other Business; 14. Adjournment.