NB Municipal Pool Update, May 27

Report from North Bend City Administrator David Milliron to the City Council May 25 regarding the Municipal Pool. “The City applied for a K-12 Summer Learning Grant from the Oregon Communities Foundation. If awarded, these are American Rescue Plan dollars, allowing North Bend to open the pool on July 1st. Our goal is to operate the pool for July, August, and September, then close it to perform all the necessary capital upgrades. Then, hopefully, in January 2022, the City will be able to have a grand re-opening of the pool. We want to thank North Benders for their support of the recent levy, which will fund the Operations and Maintenance of the pool for five years. Those funds will begin coming into the City as property owners pay their property tax bills in November 2021. North Bend has been invited to apply for a grant from the Judith Ann Morgan Foundation. If awarded, North Bend will have sufficient funds to pay for the capital upgrades for the pool, relieving pressure on the General Fund to address some pressing public safety capital equipment needs.”

NB Municipal Pool
Report from City Administrator David Milliron, May 26, 2021 – Team North Bend: Today, KayLee and I met with the Mayor and Council Members Bill Richardson and Eric Gleason to update the pool signage. I created a video and put it on Facebook at https://bit.ly/3oQGAPe. I also wanted to share the latest on the pool and encourage you to let me know if you have any questions. North Bend Ballot Measure 6-191 — a five-year local option tax to fund pool operations and maintenance – passed on May 18th. Congratulations, and “Thank You” North Bend voters! The City will begin collecting these revenues in mid-November when property tax revenues start trickling in. So, what does this mean – what’s next? – The City is working to reopen the pool on July 1st, 2021. – The City applied for a K-12 Summer Learning Grant from the Oregon Communities Foundation (OCF). These are American Rescue Plan dollars. The grant application is for approximately $187k and will fund the pool startup and maintenance and operations for July, August, and September. The grant will also cover a few small, necessary improvements required to reopen the pool. – Assuming the OCF grant is awarded, pool use will be free during those summer months (July – September). It should be noted I read in Tuesday’s newspaper the Mingus Pool in Coos Bay will close for four to six weeks this summer as contractors refurbish the pool surface. – During the summer months, staff will put bid requests on the street to start the process to find contractors to perform the major capital improvements. – After the summer session, the tentative plan is to close the pool from October to December 2021 to complete the significant capital improvements (boiler, filtration system, and pump replacement). – Contingent upon completion of those capital projects, the pool will reopen in January 2022. – Over the course of the next few months, staff will start to develop a strategic plan for the future of the pool. It is a five-year local option levy, so we will need to think now about what is going to happen after that five-year mark. Follow us on Facebook (@NorthBendOregon and @northbendpool) to get the latest North Bend Municipal Pool News and Pool Renovation Updates! Together, we can and will make a difference!