Benton County makes ‘every shot count’ with teen clinic, May 28

A teen-focused vaccination event in Benton County last week led to hundreds of teens getting vaccinated. Almost 500 people age 12 to 15 received a shot with hundreds of older teens rolling up their sleeves as well. “Teen Day” took place at Reser Stadium, the county’s mass vaccination site and at a pop-up clinic at a nearby high school.
Attendees could enter a raffle for a Chromebook, Airpods and gift cards. Kids were invited to write on a graffiti board, answering questions such as, “What are you most looking forward to when you’re fully vaccinated?” Answers included: “Returning to in-person classes,” not “wondering if a business is open” and “traveling.” The County also worked with several organizations that serve youth such as Jackson Street Youth Services, which houses teens experiencing houselessness, and Strengthening Rural Families. Benton County currently has one of the highest vaccination rates in Oregon. “We wanted to make sure we reached the teenagers who wouldn’t be reached by school district communications,” said Uili Neville, Joint Information Center manager for Benton County. “Every shot counts at this point.”