CBPD Welcomes New Reserve Officer, June 3

City of Coos Bay release – On Wednesday, May 26, 2021, the Coos Bay Police Department welcomed a new reserve police officer. Reserve Officer Ben Martin was sworn in by Deputy Chief Chapanar. Res. Officer Martin finished the nine-month Reserve Officer Training Academy (ROTA), which consists of classes in Criminal Justice, Constitutional Law, Tactical Skills as well as scenario-based training. In general, ROTA requires candidates to attend classes two nights a week at Southwestern Oregon Community College. Further, he completed an intensive background check. Res. Officer Martin is a native of Coos Bay and graduate of Marshfield High School. He currently works in construction/roofing for Gary W. Long Construction. Res Ofc. Martin’s family, friends, fiancĂ© and members of the Coos Bay Police Department, City Council, Mayor Benetti, and City Staff were on hand for the ceremony. Please join the Coos Bay Police Department and the City of Coos Bay in recognizing and thanking Reserve Officer Martin for volunteering his time to make the City of Coos Bay safe!