Jenn Coon helps a resident at Blanchet House sign up for a vaccination at the OCC, June 4

Because she has built such a deep trust with many, Coon has successfully signed up more than 25 shelter residents for COVID-19 vaccinations, even transporting them herself to the Oregon Convention Center (OCC). In addition, Coon offers information and directions to other vaccination clinics, actively supporting Blanchet House’s more than 30 transitional housing residents. “One man was so scared to get the vaccine. I was with him the whole time,” Coon recalls. “I drove him in my little car, and he is a big guy! He was so grateful that he had tears in his eyes. He said we are now bonded forever.” Getting folks to agree to a second dose of the vaccine has been more of a challenge. “I give them the information, let them make their decision and help coordinate,” said Coon. “It’s a good starting point; a good foundation to get them hopefully going in the right direction. I’m happy and proud to be a part of it.” Read the full story on the Oregon Health Authority vaccine news blog. If you’re interested in volunteering at Blanchet House, go to their website.