North Bend URA, June 22

The North Bend Urban Renewal Agency will meet in Council Chambers, North Bend City Hall, 835 California Ave. on Tuesday, June 22, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. immediately. The agenda will include the following: Public Hearing – Adoption of FY22 North Bend Urban Renewal Agency Budget URA Resolution 59: Adoption of FY22 North Bend Urban Renewal Agency Budget; Purchase of Tables and Chairs for Downtown Spaces; Due to meeting size limitations and in consideration of the health of our citizens, council and staff, Work Session and Council Meetings will be conducted remotely at the following link: If you wish to provide oral or written comments for public comment, please see the Remote Public Comment Sign-Up form at the following link: If you wish to provide oral or written testimony for the Public Hearings, please see the Remote Public Hearing Comment Sign-Up form at the following link:…