Coos County Risk Metrics, June 23

CHW release – Based on Monday, June 21st metrics, Coos County will remain in Low Risk Guidelines. We have done very well at maintaining a low case rate. Our success is partially due to the increased number of vaccines administered in Coos County. Thank you for continuing to do your part to avoid a resurgence of new cases in Coos County. The last date that being vaccinated for COVID-19 will automatically enter you into the Lottery Drawing is June 27th. All vaccinated Oregonians will be eligible for a chance to win the Take Your Shot, Oregon $1 million prize, $10,000 prizes in each county, and five $100,000 Oregon College Savings Plan scholarships. Coos County residents will be eligible to win 11 possible prizes of $10,000 each. Our graphic includes updates on school metrics as well as county metrics. School and business metrics are different. Business metrics are guided by the Governor’s Office and the Oregon Health Authority and school metrics are guided by the Oregon Department of Education Ready Schools Safe Learners guidance. Schools have strong protocols that have increased protections so that students can return to school in person safely. Oregon Health Authority releases the metric data every Monday using a two week “look back” period. This allows communities, and Oregon Health Authority, to see case numbers on which decision are based to increase or decrease our county’s safety guidelines. If you have specific question on guidance for each risk level you can go HERE. If you have general questions regarding COVID-19, please visit our website for the most recent guidance, or email us at