Dom Montiel, Aug. 12

It’s been a busy year for Marshfield’s football quarterback Dom Montiel. The COVID-19 influenced school year moved the student-athlete’s schedule around a bit basically giving him no time off from what started in August of 2020 with workouts and ending this past weekend at the NW9 QB football competition in Yakima, WA. It was just days removed from playing American Legion baseball that Montiel packed his bags for a weekend with other elite quarterbacks in the Pacific Northwest. When it was all said and done, the senior placed ninth overall in the Senior Division and was the third top-rated QB from Oregon. Here’s what they said about Montiel at the invitation-only Camp. “Dom Montiel led the entire State of Oregon in passing last season. He was still a relative unknown but changed that at the Main Event. He proved he is not only one of the best QBs in Oregon, but the entire NW!” He ran a 4.77-second 40 at the Camp and he clocked in 4.51 in the Shuttle. Montiel threw for over 1,700 yards and 23 touchdowns while leading Marshfield to third place in 2021 4A Football Showcase.