SALEM, Ore – The Forest Trust Land Advisory Committee will meet virtually via Zoom at 2 p.m. Friday, December 3. Items on the committee’s agenda include: January Board of Forestry topic: Management focus of forestlands; Forest Management Plan strategy development update; Forest Management Plan and Habitat Conservation Plan timeline updates; This meeting is open to the public, and public comment is scheduled for the beginning of the meeting. The Zoom log-in is at The meeting agenda and materials will be posted on the department’s web site at The Forest Trust Land Advisory Committee is comprised of seven county commissioners representing 15 Oregon counties where state forestlands are located. The FTLAC is a statutorily established committee that advises the Board of Forestry on matters related to forestland managed by ODF. Questions about accessibility or special accommodations can be directed to the Oregon Department of Forestry at least 48 hours prior to the meeting at 503-945-7200.