2022 Oregon Heritage Excellence Awards Open for Nominations, Dec. 9

OPRD release – Nominations for the 2022 Oregon Heritage Excellence Awards Program are now being accepted. Criteria and application process can be found online through the Oregon Heritage website www.oregonheritage.org or by contacting Oregon Heritage Commission Coordinator Katie Henry at katie.henry@oprd.oregon.gov or (503) 877-8834. The deadline for submitting nominations is January 27, 2022. The Oregon Heritage Excellence Awards recognize individuals, projects, businesses, and organizations for outstanding efforts on behalf of Oregon heritage, drawing public attention to these efforts, and raising the quality of heritage-oriented activities. The Sally Donovan Award for Historic Cemetery Preservation is a special category that may be awarded to one individual, organization, or project demonstration excellence in preservation of historic cemeteries. Nominations are encouraged for organizations and projects of all sizes and heritage purposes and for volunteers and professionals from all heritage sectors. Those awarded an Oregon Heritage Excellence Award will be featured in videos presented at the 2022 Oregon Heritage Conference, April 27-29. New this year is a non-competitive category for standout volunteers. The Oregon Heritage Commission recognizes that volunteers are the backbone of heritage preservation work in Oregon and want to celebrate those standout volunteers that have contributed their time and skills to help heritage organizations persist and thrive. Those nominated will receive a certificate and will be included in a compilation video shown at the 2022 Oregon Heritage Conference. “Volunteers are critical to heritage preservation efforts in Oregon,” said Katie Henry, coordinator for the Oregon Heritage Commission. “We hope to encourage organizations to nominate those standout volunteers that have given their time, efforts, and heart to their organization so that their amazing efforts and contributions can be recognized at the state level.” To see videos of previous award winners visit https://www-auth.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Pages/Awards.aspx#one. For more information visit www.oregonheritage.org.