ODFW release – SALEM, Ore. –Applications are currently being accepted by ODFW to fill three positions on the statewide Access and Habitat Board—the Chair and two Landowner Representatives. The Chair position is seeking individuals with experience leading boards and commissions, as well as experience in forestry, farming or ranching, as well as hunting and wildlife conservation. The Landowner Representative positions are looking for persons with experience in forestry or agriculture with an interest and experience in hunting and wildlife conservation. The deadline for the application is Jan. 31, 2022. Statewide application board forms are available at http://www.dfw.state.or.us/lands/AH/get_involved.asp The A and H Board is made up of seven volunteers — three hunter representatives, three landowner representatives, and the Chair — who review and recommend wildlife habitat improvement and hunter access projects to the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission (Commission). A and H funds are distributed through grants to individual and corporate landowners, conservation organizations, among others, as approved by the state A and H Board. The A and H Program is funded by a $4 surcharge on hunting licenses and the sale of deer and elk raffle entries and auction tags. Board members are appointed to four-year terms by the Commission, and Board members may be appointed to a second term. The A and H Board meets four times each year in various locations throughout the state to review project funding applications, hear public testimony and act as liaisons between the program and the public. Please contact Travis Schultz at (503) 947-6087 or email Travis.R.Schultz@odfw.oregon.gov if you have any questions on the positions.