North Bend Pool, March 7

NB City Administrator David Milliron release – I assure you there is nothing more we want than to get the pool back open. Two days after we closed the pool, the pumps finally blew up. The boiler is dead but could be jerry-rigged to get back operational, but for how long? And the filtration system, well, it is from 1956, and the only way we’ve been able to keep it quasi-operational is by sewing micro-mesh together into pillowcase-like filter discs. However, we bought the last two rolls of micro-mesh available in the country, which is now depleted. We use a national bidding network for maximum exposure for the Phase I projects (boiler, pumps, and filtration system). After the pool was closed, we put everything out to bid and got zero responses ( We then sub-divided the three big projects into smaller jobs and have put those back out to bid. We then got word that the U.S. Treasury revised its final guidance for using American Rescue Plan Act dollars. We were able to modify our budget upwards to just shy of $1 million and put Phase II out to bid. We have since re-posted the Phase I & II projects and engaged a local contractor to call and shake the bushes in hopes of getting responses. The pool equipment we need is only manufactured by about five companies nationwide, and we have been in contact with them based on our pool’s specific configuration and size. The supply chain and workforce shortage woes are not localized issues. The new turf for Vic Adams Field at North Bend, for instance, was ten weeks late in arriving. A local furniture store manager recently stated he has to order a year in advance, has no idea when and if any of the merchandise will come, and cannot cancel any order. The owner of a sizeable vending company says he used to order $18,000 of product every other week but now orders the same amount weekly in hopes of getting at least half of what he needs to do business. Furthermore, he said he has been waiting for months for new vending machines to arrive, but his supplier cannot get the parts needed to finish the buildout of the 150 or so machines he has in stock. And a local restaurant owner says he struggles to keep consistency with his menu because he never knows what items will be delivered because of the supply chain issues. And let’s not even begin to discuss the nationwide workforce shortage that further exasperates the supply chain or even local stores from keeping regular hours. And, the lengthy backup of container ships waiting to unload along the western seaboard is just now beginning to shrink, the first sign in three months of an easing of U.S. supply-chain congestion at some of the nation’s busiest container ports. Now pile on higher gas prices and utility rates because of inflation and other issues. PacifiCorp just announced it wants to raise electricity rates for Oregon customers by more than 12 percent in 2023 because of higher power costs, general inflationary pressure, and increasing costs for wildfire planning and mitigation, according to proposals filed Tuesday with state regulators. I know this is a lot of explanation and what appears to be even more excuses; that is not the case. We have weekly staff meetings dedicated just for the pool, and we try and keep the public updated via the pool’s website (, Facebook page (, via our city e-News blasts (, and in the City Administrator Reports to Council ( Lastly, let us address the tax levy money for maintenance and operations (M&O). Those funds are restricted by law ( and cannot be used for the Phase I & II capital projects. Instead, they are in the protected “Municipal Pool Fund” and can only be spent on pool services. The levy will sunset after five years, but the money collected will be used to maintain and operate the pool once it is re-opened. Thank you, North Bend, for your continued patience and understanding. We are here to help, and our door is always open. Have you got Questions? Use our form at to contact staff.