Webb Telescope Talk at NBPL, March 16

At 6:30 pm on Wednesday, March 16th, the North Bend Public Library presents The Unfolding Universe: an Update on the Webb Space Telescope, a lecture by Southwestern Oregon Community College astrophysicist Dr. Aaron Coyner. This will be held live in the library’s meeting room. The Webb Telescope is the successor to the Hubble and is capable of viewing objects that are one hundred times fainter than what the Hubble can detect. Launched December 25 of 2021, the telescope is on schedule with its deployment. Dr. Coyner, also a NASA/JPL Solar System Ambassador, will explain the differences between the Webb and the Hubbell, as well as the Webb’s development and its current status. For more information about this event and other library programs, please contact the North Bend Public Library at 541-756-0400, email ddouglas@northbendlibrary.org or see our website at http://northbendoregon.us/library.