DEQ Celebrates Food Waste Prevention Week, April 4-8

DEQ release – STATEWIDE, Ore.— Governor Kate Brown has proclaimed April 4 through April 8, 2022 Food Waste Prevention Week, and the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality is encouraging all Oregonians to take simple steps to reduce waste and save money. Spoiled food costs Oregon households on average $1,800 annually (The EPA recently updated this figure from $1,600), and it’s estimated one-third of all food in the U.S. is wasted – a significant contribution to greenhouse gases. “Next week is about highlighting the importance of reducing food waste to save money and reduce harm to our environment,” said Elaine Blatt, senior policy analyst at DEQ. “By focusing on preventing food waste next week, we hope Oregon households will learn approaches they can use now and in the future to avoid throwing away food.” For the entire news release, please go to