Volunteers Needed to Interview Anglers @ Diamond Lake, May 24

May 21st through October 8th – ODFW release – ODFW is asking volunteers to assist with collecting information from anglers at Diamond Lake. While at the interview location volunteers will contact anglers returning from their daily fishing trips on the lake. Volunteers will ask anglers a series of questions about their fishing trips. If the anglers have retained fish and are willing, volunteers will measure and examine fish for hatchery marks and record all the collected information on provided datasheets. Volunteers will also be asked to provide information about the fishery to the public. Volunteers would be stationed at one location for seven hours. The start time varies depending on the season, surveys conducted during daylight hours. This activity is important in meeting the goals of ODFW. Diamond Lake is one of the most popular fisheries in Oregon and ODFW spends a significant amount of time monitoring and managing this fishery. It is very important that ODFW has accurate data on angling success and Rainbow Trout relative abundance at Diamond Lake. Conducting these interviews helps ODFW obtain this information and make management decisions on how many fish to stock. Volunteers will be instructed on how to conduct the angler interviews, which is usually a quick 15-minute training as well as information about the fishery to provide to the public. No experience necessary. Sign up to volunteer @ https://www.dfw.state.or.us/agency/volunteer/current_opportunities/index.asp