CFPA release – The Coos Forest Protective Association (CFPA) announced today that fire season will officially begin at 12:01 a.m. Friday, June 24, 2022. The start of fire season activates restrictions for both public and industrial forest use on all public, private, county, state, and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands within CFPA’s District boundaries. The start of fire season means the end of unregulated, outside burning for rural Coos, Curry and western Douglas Counties. The outside burning of debris piles and the use of burn barrels will be prohibited until fire season is terminated. Residents living within an incorporated city need to contact their local fire department for burning restrictions and permit details. Under Oregon law, the use of tracer ammunition and exploding targets is prohibited during fire season, and the use of sky lanterns is prohibited year round. Regulated Use restrictions will also be implemented, putting restrictions on public activities based on daily fire danger levels for specific activities. Industrial fire regulations will also go into effect. Industrial Fire Precaution Level (IFPL) 1 prohibits smoking while working on or traveling through an industrial operation. Specified fire tools and suppression equipment must be maintained on all operations. A fire watch is also required on all industrial operation sites. As fire season progresses, additional closures and restrictions may be imposed as weather conditions and fire danger becomes more severe. For further information contact the CFPA Closure Information Line at (541) 267-1789, visit the website at, or follow us on Facebook and Twitter.