Revisions to NB Parking & Towing Ordinances, July 27

City of North Bend release – North Bend’s City Planner worked with the Police Chief, Public Works Director, City Attorney, and City Administrator on revisions to the city’s parking and towing ordinances. The goal is to reduce the removal of abandoned vehicles from 10 days to 72 hours. Unfortunately, state legislation requires local governments to securely store the vehicles for 30 days before disposing of them after abating hazardous materials and asbestos, all at taxpayer expense. The City Council adopted the changes on June 28, 2022, otherwise known as Ordinance No. 2059. For specifics and a copy of the ordinance, please visit Effective Friday, July 29, 2022 in the City of North Bend, Oregon. All trailers required to be licensed under the vehicle laws of Oregon must be licensed and attached to an operable motor vehicle. (NBCC 10.04.300(6); Ord. 2059). All abandoned vehicles are prohibited on city streets. (NBCC 10.04.600; NBCC 10.04.020(1); Ord. 2059) – A vehicle is considered “abandoned” when it: – Does not have a lawfully affixed, unexpired registration plate, fails to display current registration, or fails to have vehicle insurance; – Appears to be inoperative or disabled; – Appears to be wrecked, partially dismantled or junked; or – Appears to be abandoned. No vehicle may park on a city street in excess of 72 consecutive hours. (NBCC 10.04.190; Ord. 2059) – Vehicles must move more than one City block to comply with this Code. All vehicles parked on a city street in excess of 72 consecutive hours and those deemed to be abandoned may be towed after posting of a 24-hour notice of intent to tow. (NBCC 10.04.190; 10.04.620; Ord. 2059). All vehicles parked in such a location as to constitute a hazard or obstruction to motor vehicle traffic may be towed immediately. (NBCC 10.04.620; Ord. 2059) – A vehicle constitutes a hazard or obstruction in cases including, but not limited to, those where the vehicle extends within the paved portion of the travel lane; or results in a sight obstruction to motor vehicle traffic; or is the cause of an accumulation of trash, garbage, junk, debris, or other personal property constituting a nuisance; or when the vehicle presents a clear danger.