ODFW release – The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in consultation with the State of Oregon the Pacific Fishery Management Council, the State of California, and fishery representatives met today via conference call and have taken the following in-season management action related to the ocean recreational non-mark selective coho salmon season from Cape Falcon to Humbug Mt.: ACTION TAKEN: An impact neutral rollover of the 57,186 coho remaining from the hatchery selective summer season was made to the non-mark selective September season from Cape Falcon to Humbug Mt. This resulted in a net increase of 9,800 coho in the non-mark selective coho quota and a revised quota of 26,800 coho for the season scheduled for September 3 through the earlier of the quota or September 30. RATIONALE: In most years, a provision is included in the adopted regulations to allow for the transfer of quota remaining from the summer hatchery selective coho season to the September non-selective coho season on an impact neutral basis. Assessment by the Pacific Fishery Management Council’s Salmon Technical Team resulted in an allowable impact neutral allowable transfer of 9,800 coho to the Cape Falcon to Humbug Mt. coho season which opens on September 3. The most constraining stock in the transfer this season was the Oregon Coast Natural Coho which was projected to have a 14.95% overall exploitation rate in 2022. That rate is not exceeded by this transfer. Visit https://www.dfw.state.or.us/MRP/salmon/ for more information on Oregon’s ocean salmon seasons and fisheries.