ODFW release – SALEM, Ore.—Oregon’s fish passage rules were first adopted in 2006. Last year, ODFW initiated a fish passage administrative rule revision, both to review rules in place for more than 15 years and to align them with ODFW’s Climate and Ocean Change Policy. ODFW is accepting public comment on the final draft of the proposed fish passage rule revisions which can be found at https://www.dfw.state.or.us/fish/passage/admin_rules_init.asp To comment, send an email to ODFW.Passagerules@state.or.us and please identify the specific line number where your comment applies. Comment by Sept. 25 so your comments can be shared with Fish Passage Task Force before their meeting. On Oct. 7, the Fish Passage Task Force will meet at ODFW Headquarters Office in Salem and consider a recommendation to approve the draft rules. That meeting is open to the public and additional public testimony will be considered. More information on this rule revision initiative, the proposed rule changes and supporting documents are available on the ODFW website or by contacting Greg Apke, ODFW Fish Passage Program Coordinator, at (503) 947-6228 or ODFW.Passagerules@state.or.us Oregon’s Fish Passage Task Force functioned as the Sub-Committee assisting and advising the Department on this initiative. ODFW solicited initial public comment and input and hosted a series of public meetings to identify and discuss draft rule revisions for consideration.