NB City Council, Oct. 25

The North Bend City Council will meet for a Regular Session on Tuesday, October 25, 2022, 7:00 PM, City Hall. Agenda: Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance; Ceremonial Special Recognitions: North Bend’s U.S. High School Champion Bowler; North Bend K-12 Summer Enrichment Program; Consent Calendar; Approval of the Minutes from October 11, 2022; DRAFT October 11, 2022 Minutes; North Bend Public Library Carpet Cleaning; Annual carpet cleaning service. NB Lib Adj Inv Sept 2022; Acceptance of FY2022 COPS grant for Community Resource Officer Funding; Award Notification for COPS Grant; Purchase of Community Service Officer Vehicle; Tower Ford 2021 Ranger; Coos Bay Toyota 2022 Tacoma; Public Comments. Thank you for participating in public comment this evening. The public comment period is an essential part of local government meetings. Each person has three minutes to speak. Our governing body takes the input into consideration. However, in observance of Oregon open meeting laws, this isn’t the time for dialogue, but rather a time for us to listen to you. Our City Administrator and City Recorder are taking notes of action, if needed. Historical Context Statement: Consultant Presentation; Lisa Demarais of PaleoWest will go over the findings of the Historic Context Statement and Limited Resource Survey. North Bend Citywide Historic Context PaleoWest Final 9.13.22; Partnership Needed to Solve Statewide Homelessness Emergency; Region 6, Final Award of Pony Village Storm Sewer Project to Laskey Clifton Inc.; Johnson Rock Quote; Laskey-Clifton Quote; Itemized bid proposal Pony Village Storm Replacement 2022; Discussion – November & December Council Meeting Schedules; November 8, 2022 – Council Meeting; November 22, 2022 – Council Meeting; December 13, 2022 – Council Meeting; December 27, 2022 – Council Meeting; Action, if any, resulting from Executive Sessions; City Administrator’s Report; Committee Reports; Council Comments; Other Business; Adjournment.