ODFW invites public to view wildlife stamp art, Nov. 4

ODFW release – SALEM, Ore. – Artwork for the annual 2023 wildlife stamp art contest will be on display for the public to view from 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m., Nov. 4 at ODFW Headquarters. Each year artists are invited to compete in one or all three of ODFW’s stamp art competitions. The winning artist in each contest receives a $2,000 award and winning artwork is used to produce collector’s stamps and other promotional items with sale proceeds benefitting Oregon’s fish, wildlife, and their habitats. For more information about the art competition and to order stamps or art prints, visit: https://www.dfw.state.or.us/stamp_contest/index.asp Art entries for the Habitat Conservation Stamp category each year must feature an eligible species from the Oregon Conservation Strategy . Entries for the 2023 Waterfowl Stamp must feature the greater scaup in its natural habitat setting and entries for the 2023 Upland Game Bird Stamp must feature the mountain quail in its natural habitat setting. Earlier in the day, a panel will judge artwork based on artistic composition, anatomical accuracy of the species and general appeal. Collector’s stamps, art prints and other promotional materials are produced from first-place artwork. Proceeds from product sales are used for habitat improvement, research, monitoring and conservation projects. ODFW Headquarters is located at 4034 Fairview Industrial Dr., SE, Salem, OR 97302. 2022 Art Contest Winners (imagery available): Habitat Conservation, Long-billed Curlew by Kathy Peckham; Waterfowl, Northern Shoveler by Buck Spencer; Upland Game Bird, Chukar by Debra Otterstein.