Pipe Bombs, Nov. 11

A Central Coast male was taken into custody at Florence, Saturday, Nov. 5, following a stand-off with police while holding a pipe bomb. According to reports, the incident unfolded about 11:14 p.m. on the 3400 block of Rhododendron Drive following an explosion in a backyard. Responding officers located George Clifford at the residence; however, he was holding a pipe bomb in his hand and threatening to detonate it. He was finally convinced to put the device down and surrender to police. Officers discovered two more pipe bombs in a garage and gun powder in a bedroom. The Eugene Police Dept. Explosive Disposal Unit responded and rendered the residence safe. Clifford was charged with Possession of a Destructive Device, Disorderly Conduct, Reckless Endangering and Unlawful Manufacturing a Destructive Device. He was transported to Lane County Adult Corrections in Eugene.