DOUGLAS COUNTY, Ore. – Want to be part of something bigger than yourself and serve your community? Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue (SAR) is recruiting volunteers ages 17 and up. Potential volunteers are invited to learn more about SAR on Thursday, November 17, 2022, at 6 pm at the OSU Extension Office (1134 SE Douglas Ave, Roseburg). The Sheriff’s Office will be holding an informational meeting covering topics such as the mission of SAR, the various units you can volunteer with and what it takes to become a certified volunteer. You will have the opportunity to ask questions, speak with active volunteers and even complete an application if you are ready. The Sheriff’s Office can always use volunteers who want to search for lost and missing people on foot, but there are other ways to serve. There is a specific need for experienced horse riders who can provide their own horses and equipment, radio operators and logistics personnel.