Oregon Environmental Quality Commission, Nov. 18

Statewide, Ore.—The Oregon Environmental Quality Commission will continue to meet Friday, Nov. 18, 2022, during which the commission will provide an update on the recruitment for the Department of Environmental Quality’s Director. DEQ plans to present proposed temporary rules to revise the Climate Protection Program as well as proposed rules to update the Hazardous Waste Program and the Air Quality Permitting Program. The full meeting agenda and supporting materials are available online: https://www.oregon.gov/deq/about-us/eqc/Pages/111722.aspx The meeting will be a hybrid remote/in-person meeting and people may attend in-person at Beaverton City Council Chambers or by Zoom. See agenda for details. For people who plan to attend in-person, please note that masks are not required in the meeting space, but their use is welcomed and extras will be available.