Secretary Fagan’s Office of Small Business Assistance Releases Oregon’s State of Small Business Report, Feb. 2

SALEM, OR — Secretary of State Shemia Fagan ‘s Office of Small Business Assistance (“OSBA”) proudly released the 2022 Annual Report on Small Businesses Wednesday, Feb. 1. The report shows that an easing of pandemic-related restrictions coincided with the emergence of new challenges confronting small businesses: increased costs, labor shortages, and backlogs at agencies that process paperwork. The OSBA brought agencies and businesses together to identify solutions. The Office also connected small businesses with local resources and alternative funding sources. Trevor Leahy, Small Business Ombudsman, stated, “OSBA had done incredible work this year to support Oregon’s small businesses. I am proud of every entrepreneur who has the courage to go into business for themselves, but it can be a complicated and competitive world. It’s an honor for us to help them make educated decisions, anticipate situations, and resolve issues. We’re always only a phone call or email away.” Serving businesses and nonprofits with 100 or fewer employees, the Office of Small Business Assistance engages with Oregon small business owners, listens to their concerns, and connects them with the appropriate resources. Last year, the Office of Small Business Assistance helped 3,265 entrepreneurs navigate government regulations and resolve problems through email, telephone, and in-person interactions. This year, 66% of all customers received same-day resolution to their questions, and another 26% received help within 10 days. Small business owners value their time, so providing timely, customized service to small businesses is a core tenet of the Office. “Small businesses are underserved, and OSBA is a great resource.” said Secretary of State Shemia Fagan. “If you’re out there thinking about starting a business or in the process of starting one, I hope you will reach out. We are here to help.” In addition to helping businesses from all 36 Oregon counties, the team visited 16 counties in Oregon to meet with communities and partners. These visits allowed the OSBA team to learn about local issues and give a voice to underserved communities with limited access to resources. The OSBA intends to enhance and increase its visits across Oregon in 2023. To read the Annual Report, visit Print copies are available upon request by emailing or calling 844-469-5512.