Corps reservoirs and drought year 2022, Feb. 6

Both feed into the Rogue River of Southwest Oregon. ODFW report – Lost Creek and Applegate reservoirs, both operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), depend primarily on rainfall to fill each spring. Both reached abnormally low levels during 2021, and lack of rainfall in early spring 2022 made for a very difficult filling season. Reservoir pool levels dropped very low at Lost Creek (47 feet below normal) and Applegate (46 feet below normal). River flows below the reservoirs dropped to record or near record lows with so much flow being stored in the reservoirs. In an example of management adapting to difficult conditions, ODFW worked with Oregon Water Resources and the Corps to save nine feet of water and about 3,200 acre-feet of storage at Applegate that normally would have been released during flood season in January. Lost Creek water levels were managed carefully. Ultimately, a very wet late spring made the biggest difference and Lost Creek reached full pool (Applegate did not). Both reservoirs release water in summer for fish needs—contact ODFW if you would like to learn more.