Astoria Police Chief, “Most Interesting 48 Hours I have Ever Had”, Feb. 6

That’s saying something over a 22-year career. Astoria Police Chief Stacy Kelly was reflecting over a series of crimes that began Feb. 1st and included a dead fish being left on the porch of a classic movie set home, to the theft of a yacht from the Port of Astoria, a dramatic USCG rescue off the Columbia River Bar, and finally an arrest Friday, Feb. 3rd at a warming shelter in Seaside. At the center of the crime spree was 35-year old Jericho Labonte, who claims to be a Victoria B.C. resident. Labonte was reportedly seen on security cameras putting stickers over their lenses at the famed “Goonies House” from the 1985 Steven Spielberg movie “The Goonies.” He allegedly left a dead fish on the porch and then bragged about his stunt on Facebook. The Goonies House and a neighboring house were recently sold to out-of-state investors who want to preserve the homes for fans of the movie. That has created a controversy with nearby neighbors. Police later learned Labonte was wanted on five-warrants in Victoria, a police alert from Canada also stated Labonte may pose a risk to public safety, “do not approach him and call 911.” After allegedly stealing the 35-foot yacht, he ran into rough seas and was forced to make a Mayday call. A USCG swimmer rescued him from the cold waters after he was thrown from the P/C Sandpiper when it overturned. Labonte was taken to Columbia Memorial Hospital at Astoria where he gave a fake name. He was treated and released. As more information came in, police began a search for Labonte and found him in Seaside using a false name to gain a bed for the night at the Helping Hands Warming Shelter. He was lodged in the Clatsop Co. Jail, Astoria.