Oregon Transportation Commission to meet, March 9

ODOT release – SALEM — The Oregon Transportation Commission will meet Thursday, March 9 at 9 a.m. in the Gail Achterman Conference Room of the Transportation Building, 355 Capitol St NE, Salem. An online option for viewing will also be available.  Items on the agenda include:  Climate Office Update and New Greenhouse Gas Emissions Website: An update on progress in reducing Oregon’s transportation GHG emissions.  2024-2027 Draft Statewide Transportation Improvement Program: A request to approve releasing the 2024-2027 Draft STIP to the public for review and comment, approve the list of projects to advance to begin delivery, and review estimated GHG emissions implications of the project portfolio.  Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Update: An informational update on the evaluation effort and proposal to dedicate HB 2017 state safety funds to establish and implement an ongoing pedestrian and bicycle safety improvement initiative.  Innovative Mobility Program: Hear an informational update and provide feedback on engagement and program development work for the Innovative Mobility Program.  Oregon Highway Plan Amendment — Brooks Interchange Area Management Plan and Alternative Mobility Targets: Approve amending the Oregon Highway Plan to adopt the Brooks Interchange Area Management Plan (Interstate 5, Exit 263), the associated Alternate Mobility Targets and adopt the Findings of Consistency. Oregon Freight Plan Update: A request to adopt the Oregon Freight Plan Update.  The agenda and meeting materials will be available on the OTC Website.