ODFW Commission meets in Salem, March 17

ODFW release – SALEM, Ore.—The Fish and Wildlife Commission will meet Friday, March 17 at ODFW Headquarters in Salem, 4034 Fairview Industrial Drive SE, beginning at 8 a.m. See a meeting agenda and watch a livestream of the meeting at https://www.dfw.state.or.us/agency/commission/minutes/23/03_Mar/index.asp. To testify on one of the agenda items remotely, register at least 48 hours in advance (by Wednesday, March 15 at 8 a.m.) at https://www.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_hGXwLeCKTseNscBDqfoi7g. To testify in person, sign up at the meeting using the paper forms provided. Comments can also be emailed to ODFW.Commission@odfw.oregon.gov. A public forum for people to comment on topics not on the agenda is scheduled for Friday morning after the Director’s report. To participate in the public forum, contact the ODFW Director’s office at (503) 947-6044 or email ODFW.Commission@odfw.oregon.gov by Wednesday, March 15 at 8 a.m. (48 hours prior to the meeting). During the Director’s Report, the Commission will be briefed on results from the Oregon Connectivity Assessment and Mapping Project (OCAMP), a recently-completed collaborative effort to analyze and map statewide wildlife habitat connectivity for 54 species. Information from OCAMP is foundational to ODFW’s ability to plan for and respond to the impacts of climate change on terrestrial species. The Commission will also hear about future updates and enhancements to ODFW’s electronic licensing system. The following action items are on the Commission’s agenda for Friday: Oregon Conservation and Recreation Fund (OCRF): Consider expenditures from the OCRF, including for a project that would use social science to reduce conflict and enable coexistence between people and beavers. Access and Habitat Program (A&H): Consider project funding requests recommended by the A&H Board and appoint a Landowner Representative to the Board. Projects being considered would improve habitat or allow hunting access on properties in Morrow and Baker counties, continue OSP enforcement of five Travel Management Areas and extend the Willamette Private Lands and East Lane TMA projects through June 30, 2025. Market squid commercial fishery: Back in February 2022, the Commission directed ODFW staff to develop a proposal to prohibit light boats in the commercial market squid fishery due to concerns about sustainability of the resource and conflicts over light boats. Light boats are operated independently of squid catching vessels to attract squid to the surface at night, making them easier to catch. ODFW staff will present the results of surveys conducted after a meeting with the Market Squid Advisory Panel and present a rules package that could prohibit light boats in the fishery for the Commission’s consideration. The Commission will also hold an Executive Session pursuant to ORS 192.660 (2)(f) to consider information or records that are exempt by law from public inspection, as well as to consult with legal counsel concerning legal rights and duties regarding current litigation likely to be filed as authorized by ORS 192.660 (2)(h). They will also review and evaluate the employment related performance of ODFW’s Director as authorized by ORS 192.660(2)(i). Representatives of the news media who attend the Commission meeting in person may attend the Executive Session but are directed not to report on the discussions, except to state the general subject.