More than 460,000 Oregonians provide care for loved ones each year that is unpaid and often goes unrewarded. AARP Oregon is launching a series of community forums and listening sessions to better understand the needs of caregiving — especially in terms of needing a break from this demanding labor of love. “Caring for a loved one is something that many people find rewarding, as it can bring people closer together. But unfortunately it can also be very physically, emotionally, and mentally stressful,” said Jon Bartholomew, AARP Government Relations Director. In 2015, there was an estimated $110 million in higher health care costs for caregivers in Oregon due to the fact that they are caregivers of someone with Alzheimer’s/dementia. And this population is less than half of all the family caregivers in Oregon, so the overall numbers are much higher. One thing that helps is caregiver training. It is available in person and online for free in Oregon through Oregon Care Partners. But in addition to learning new skills, caregivers also need short breaks (respite care) from caregiving so they can take care of themselves. “Caregivers need to spend some time alone or with friends, go out to a movie or see a game — something that allows them to be themselves,” Bartholomew said. Getting respite from caregiving can be difficult. Typical paid respite care includes: * Paying for a home care worker to provide care at the home; * Adult Day Care; * Transportation to and from medical appointments; * Time off on the weekend. “We want to hear from caregivers about what can we do in Oregon to improve access to and effective use of caregiver respite. There are multiple answers. What is important to people in Portland could be different than what is needed in Burns,” Bartholomew said. For those who can’t attend, or people who live outside of the forum communities, written feedback can be offered at .Details and links to register for the forums are listed are below. Or RSVP for any of these events by calling toll free 1-877-926-8300. Near & Coastal meetings: Roseburg — June 8th; Lincoln City* — June 9th; Astoria — June 29th All times are 4:00 to 6:00 pm *except Lincoln City, which starts at 4:30 pm and La Grande from 9:00 to 11:00 am.