CCSO release – Date / Time: January 18th 2023 / 9:00 a.m.; Case Number(s): N/A; Classification: Abandoned vehicle – Multiple Hazards; Location: S. Spring Road, Coos Bay, Oregon 97420; Suspect(s): N/a; Information to be released: In early January 2023 several reports were made to the Coos County Sheriff’s Office and Coos County Road Department of vehicles being left abandoned and / or parked in the roadway on South Spring Road in Barview. Deputies responded to the area and observed over (6) vehicles abandoned or parked in the roadway, restricting traffic flow to one way and making it difficult if not impossible for fire personnel and ambulance crews to respond to the area if needed in an emergency situation. Deputy Robert Baker took time to speak with residents in the area and informed them why the roadway needed to be clear of hazards. Deputy Baker also tagged several vehicles for tow while in the area. As per Sheriff’s Office Policy the vehicle owners were given several days to come retrieve and move their vehicle to an acceptable location / parking spot. On January 18th 2023 several members of the Sheriff’s Office, along with Mast Brothers Towing responded back to South Spring Road in Barview to remove any vehicles which had been previously tagged for tow and had not been moved out of the roadway. As a result (4) vehicles were removed by Mast Brothers Towing, thus restoring two way vehicular traffic and emergency vehicle access. (2) more vehicles are due to be towed from South Spring Road in the coming days.