Adverse Childhood Experiences and Resilience Programs at NBPL, April 7

NBPL release – At 5:30 pm on Thursday March 17 and Thursday, April 7 the North Bend Public Library is teaming up with South Coast Together to offer two free workshops on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).  The 1998 CDC/Kaizer study of adverse childhood experiences led to new understandings of the links between abuse, neglect, and dysfunction in childhood and health outcomes including asthma, lowered immunity, heart disease, and elevated risks of cancer and early death. The program March 17, Understanding ACEs: Building Self-Healing Communities, will focus on ACEs and the effects. On April 7, Self-Regulation and Resilience explores strategies for self-care and the tools for building resilience. Due to the falling COVID rates in Coos County, attendance in person is less restricted than in the past, and those interested are encouraged to come to the library. However, the option to attend virtually is still available, and the Zoom registration link for is For more information, please go to the North Bend Public Library website.