DEQ release – The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality issued an air quality advisory Tuesday for Deschutes, Jackson and Josephine counties, as well as eastern Douglas, northern Klamath and northern Lake counties, due to smoke from fires in Oregon, Northern California, northern Washington and Canada. DEQ expects intermittent smoke in Crook, Grant, Gilliam, Jefferson, Morrow, Sherman, Umatilla, Union and Wheeler counties. Air quality may improve Wednesday but smoke is likely to return Thursday. The advisories are in effect until further notice. Smoke experts will revisit forecasts on Thursday and possibly update the advisories. Smoke levels can change rapidly depending on weather. Check current conditions on the Oregon Smoke Information Blog, DEQ’s Air Quality Index, or by downloading the free OregonAIR app on your smartphone. Smoke can irritate the eyes and lungs and worsen some medical conditions. People most at risk include infants and young children, people with heart or lung disease, older adults and pregnant people.