ALICE Training at MHS, Coos Bay, June 28

CBPD release – The Coos Bay Police Department (CBPD) recently hosted an ALICE Active Shooter Response Instructor Training at Marshfield High School. The training was open to all businesses, companies, and schools. This two-day instructor certification course is designed to teach proactive survival strategies for violent intruder or active shooter incidents. The goal of the ALICE program is to provide individuals with survival-enhancing options for those critical moments in the gap between when a violent situation begins and when law enforcement arrives on scene. Training attendees included local law enforcement, private businesses, and school district employees. ALICE stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, and Evacuate and is a useful strategy for everyone: law enforcement, schools, universities, hospitals, businesses, and places of worship. Completing the ALICE Training Instructor Certification course provides training attendees with certification in ALICE and allows them the opportunity to bring the strategies back to their respective businesses, organizations, or schools. The CBPD thanks the Coos Bay School District for their continued support and providing a space for this important training.