OPRD release – SALEM, Oregon— The Oregon Parks and Recreation Department’s All-Terrain Vehicle Grant Subcommittee will meet virtually Jan. 26 and in person Jan. 29 in Salem. The subcommittee will review 16 grant requests related to ATV Program Funding throughout Oregon for Operations and Maintenance, Law Enforcement, Emergency Medical Services, Safety Education and Development Projects. The meetings are open to the public. The Jan. 26 meeting will be held via Zoom Webinar, and the Jan. 29 meeting will be held via Zoom and in person. Jan. 26 – ATV Grant Subcommittee meeting will begin with a business meeting at 9 a.m. with grant presentations starting at 9:30 a.m. Attend virtually:
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83852422686?pwd=V6SGM1ttxK _O1gfZlcfGJkwLMq6ycQ.pjWgqcmLYbFDMUoF
Zoom Webinar ID: 838 5242 2686 Passcode: 379629 Telephone: 253 215-8782 US January 29. ATV Grant presentations will begin at 11 a.m. The subcommittee will finalize scores and make recommendations after the last presentation. Attend virtually: Same login information as Jan. 26 meeting. Attend in person: Oregon Park and Recreation Department Headquarters, 725 Summer St. NE, room 124A, Salem. View the full agenda and schedule online: https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/GRA/Pages/GRA-atv.aspx#2 The subcommittee will provide recommendations on grant funding to the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department Director for referral to the Oregon State Parks and Recreation Commission. The ATV Grant Program provides funding statewide for All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) recreation. Grant funds come from ATV user permit sales and a percentage of gasoline tax money. More information about the state ATV program is available at www.OregonATV.gov Special accommodations may be arranged up to 72 hours in advance to improve accessibility by emailing ian.caldwell@oprd.oregon.gov.