Armchair Film Adventure, Feb. 10

The “Armchair Film Adventure” series at Coos Bay Public Library continues on Tuesday, February 10th at 2:00 p.m. in the Myrtlewood Meeting Room. This month’s destination is The Caribbean Islands. Lush with palm trees and surrounded by turquoise oceans, the Caribbean Islands are real picture postcards. Globe Trekker Zoe Palmer looks beyond the images to discover a hybrid of English, African and French culture and the magical landscapes found away from the golden beaches. Many volcanoes dot the islands, and the mesmerizing power of volcanoes to simultaneously destroy and create amazing landscapes and abundant vegetation is evident. A climb of Mont Pelee volcano in Martinique includes the story of the devastating 1902 eruption. A helicopter ride over Montserrat’s still active volcano and trek the area on horseback are other highlights. These islands are steeped in history – featured is the story of local slavery on Pigeon Island and the La Pagerie sugar cane plantation. Although slavery has long since been abolished, sugar cane is still harvested here for the purpose of making rum. Winding up the trip is a visit the only working sugar mill on the island as well as the Bielle Rum Distillery. Chilled by vibrant reggae music and warmed by the sun, the smiles, and the laughter of the local people- the Caribbean Islands are a wondrous region of the world and top vacation destination. Everyone is welcome at this program sponsored by The Friends of the Coos Bay Public Library. No admission is charged and refreshments will be served. Please call 269-1101 for further information about this program.