Armchair Film Adventure, July 12

The “Armchair Film Adventure” series at Coos Bay Public Library continues on Tuesday, July 12th at 2:00 p.m. in the Myrtlewood Meeting Room. Midwest USA, part of the Globe Trekker series is this month’s feature. At first glance the Midwest region of the United States may appear to be just a patchwork quilt of cornfields speckled with an occasional barn or factory, but this north-central region of the United States represents the essence of America’s history and rich cultural diversity. Traveler Justine Shapiro embarks on a journey through America’s ‘heartland’. Beginning in Chicago, she heads down Route 66, stopping off at Springfield, Illinois before heading on to Berlin, Ohio – home to an Amish community. From there she takes a short flight to Detroit, Michigan, home of Motown music, before ending her journey in the great outdoors at Lake Superior and Deer River. Along the way she meet Abraham Lincoln, an icon of American history; learns about gangster Al Capone of Chicago’s ‘Untouchables’ tour; takes a ride in an early model Ford at the Henry Ford Museum in Detroit; experiences life as an early European settler would have in Deer River, Minnesota; and learns more about the devout and simple lives of the Amish community of Berlin, Ohio. Everyone is welcome at this program sponsored by The Friends of Coos Bay Public Library. No admission is charged and refreshments will be served. Please call 269-1101 for further information about this program.