The “Armchair Film Adventure” series at Coos Bay Public Library continues on Tuesday, June 13th at 2:00 p.m. in the Myrtlewood Meeting Room.  The London, Edinburgh & the Scottish Highlands segments of Rudy Maxa’s “Best of Europe – The British Isles” will be screened. London: Roam what Rudy Maxa calls the ‘best market visitors rarely see in London’ the Borough Market where locals gather to shop among pyramids of cheese, baskets of oysters, and other displays of fresh fish, game, and pastries. There’s been a market on the site since the 1st century AD, when the Romans tied on the feedbag while sacking the city.  This program features a look at London that goes beyond the postcard city, with visits to the ethnic neighborhood of Spitalfields, a speedboat ride along the Thames, and bar hopping in Soho and Camden Town. Edinburgh & the Scottish Highlands:  Join Rudy at the Edinburgh International Festival, a madcap and colorful, three-week event that says ‘theater’ in every sense of the world.  The world’s largest arts festival features theater, comedy, dance, music, operas, street performances, and the famous Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo, a stunning evening performance of martial music and precision marching performed by military bands from around the world in the city’s 1,400-year-old Edinburgh Castle.  A trip north to the Highlands includes a ride on the so-called ‘Harry Potter Train’ as well as a look at the wild beauty of the Isle of Skye and a side serving of the local delicacy, haggis. Everyone is welcome at this program sponsored by The Friends of Coos Bay Public Library.  No admission is charged and refreshments will be served.  Please call 269-1101.