Art Opening Featuring Breathtaking Landscape Paintings of Two Local Artists, Nov. 7

Join us Saturday, November 8th from 1:00-3:00 pm for the opening reception of representational paintings by Jean Adamson & Joan Goodman in watercolor, oil and mixed-media. Meet with the artists as you relax in the serenity of South Slough. Jean is a largely self-taught painter, currently specializing in plein air watercolor painting. Jean trained as a scientist, specializing in marine phytoplankton and statistics and earned a PhD in 1986. She first came to Oregon’s Bay Area in 1993 to do research at the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology. She and her husband were delighted with the area and bought a home here. Her goal is to convey in her paintings the communication she feels with the natural world. She feels that watercolor provides a sensitive and expressive medium toward this end. Joan always remembers a pencil or crayon in her hand as a child. She spent happy walks on the beach which she considered the biggest piece of paper in her world and drew with a driftwood stick. She studied with Norman Lowell in Alaska 1962 and 1963. He helped her bring crispness to snow and light to mountains. Joan developed her own business creating Alaskan scenes on ceramics and china dishes. She found the plein air painters when she moved back to Coos Bay after living 36 years in Alaska. The group has become a central point in her life and she paints outside with her friends regularly. Her work has been shown widely in the Coos Bay area and in Alaska. Art Opening reception will be held in the William Q. Wick Auditorium within the South Slough Reserve Interpretive Center located 4 miles south of Charleston on 61907 Seven Devils Road. For more information call (541)-888-5558.