CBPL release – It’s never too early to talk about saving money! At 10:00am Friday, July 28, kids ages 8-12 are invited to paint a ceramic bank at the Coos Bay Public Library. All material will be provided. Registration is required for the program; limited space is available. Register at www.coosbaylibrary.org. The program is part of the Coos Bay Public Library’s annual Summer Reading Program. During the summer, the Library offers both a reading challenge and programming for all ages which encourage people to read, learn, connect and find their voice. Beginning June 19 and continuing through August 19, participants of any age can participate in the summer reading bingo challenge, earning badges and entry into prize drawings. Participants who register will get a special prize for entering. This year, people can participate either online or using a paper bingo sheet. Challenge registration is available on the Library’s website or at the Coos Bay Public Library. For more information on library programs visit the Coos Bay Public Library’s website at www.coosbaylibrary.org, call (541) 269-1101 x3606 or email Jennifer Knight at jknight@coosbaylibrary.org.