NBPL release – On Wednesday, July 19 at 6:00 PM, the North Bend Public Library will host Dr. Aaron Coyner, SOCC astrophysicist and NASA/JPL Solar System Ambassador, to give a talk entitled, “Finding Voices in the Starlight: The Sonification of Solar and Cosmic Events.” His discussion will focus on data sonification. Data sonification is the process of taking image data from NASA missions and converting the brightness and intensity into an auditory signal making science data more accessible and providing new perspectives on events. Dr. Aaron Coyner is a solar physicist and faculty member at Southwestern Oregon Community College. He has research experience having spent graduate school at Rice University, and a 3 year post-doctoral research term at NASA/Goddard Spaceflight Center. Since 2019, he has been a NASA Solar System Ambassador with a goal to make space accessible to everyone. For more information about this program, contact the library at (541) 756-0400 or email nbservices@northbendlibrary.org.